3 Etiquette Tips for Job Seekers and Employers

In twenty five plus years of my working life, I have both recruited and applied for many jobs. During these experiences on both sides of the table, I have encountered many failures of good manners that continue to frustrate me, both as an employer and from the feedback of friends and family job seekers.

Job Seekers

Tip #1: Turn up

When an employer posts a job vacancy they usually get inundated with candidates. You have done well to be shortlisted for an interview.

If the employer has made the time to meet with you, ensure you turn up to the interview. If you are no longer interested in the position or for whatever reason cannot attend the interview, please ensure you contact the employer or recruitment agent via a medium that they will see in sufficient time to avoid any inconvenience.

Tip #2: Dress accordingly

Ensure you dress appropriately for the company and/or role you are applying for. If you are applying for a job in a corporate office, wear a suit. Don’t turn up in jeans and joggers. Likewise, if you are applying for a job as a laborer, don’t wear a suit. Semi-casual pants and a polo shirt are more suitable.

Tip #3: Be prepared

Ensure you include a cover letter with your application. We all use templates, but make sure you customise your template to the specific job you are applying for. Address the qualities stated in the ad. As a minimum ensure you have the correct job title!

Ensure your LinkedIn profile matches that of your resume and ensures you do not have anything that is likely to paint you in a poor light on your Facebook page.

You want the prospective employer to think you are interested in the job. Check out their website.

The employer is going to want to know about you, as the cultural fit is just as important as skills. So be prepared with responses such as what are your hobbies and interests, your strengths and weaknesses, where you see yourself in 5 years. The employer will expect nerves but best to avoid awkward silence while you think of a response to questions.

Have questions ready to ask, as it shows interest in the company and job.

Tip #1: Be prepared

The candidate has taken the time to come meet with you so ensure you are prepared. Make sure you have prepared some questions. Some that are specific to ascertain if they have the experience and skills necessary for the role and some to gain an understanding of the candidate’s personality.

Ensure you have reviewed their resume thoroughly to ensure they have the relevant skills you are looking for. There is no point in you wasting your time or the candidate’s if you could have determined their unsuitability without an interview.

It is also helpful to review candidates’ LinkedIn and Facebook profiles as this will also provide information that will assist in determining cultural fit.

Tip #2: Don’t just rely on the interview

Many candidates will be nervous during an interview, so you may not get a true picture of the candidate’s personality.

Interviews do not paint a complete picture. Depending on the job responsibilities you could conduct a computer skills testing or a simulated job role play to see the candidate’s problem solving skills.

Tip #3: Give an answer to all candidates interviewed

If you have decided to not offer the position to the candidate, for whatever reason, any candidate that has taken the time to attend an interview or complete any other assessment deserves to be informed that they have been unsuccessful.

Whilst the candidate will get the hint eventually from the silence, it is unfair to the candidate to not inform them as soon as possible that they will not be getting the job.

If the candidate asks for feedback as to why, please provide constructive feedback as it takes courage to ask for such.

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