What is Trending in IT, Quarter One, 2018

Staying Ahead of Business IT Trends

The technology space moves so fast it can be hard to keep up with the latest business IT trends. With the introduction of the Data Breach laws in February this year, Cyber-security is a hot topic of conversation.

Whilst the risks and exposures to cyber-crime has not changed much during the beginning of this year, the risks and penalties for not putting measures in place to prevent data breaches and not reporting them has definitely made businesses take the issue more seriously.

This has meant that a lot of businesses are now looking to their IT vendors and internal IT teams for guidance on this amendment to the Privacy Act.

As well as the new laws, the Cambridge Analytica and Facebook scandal, it is a reminder that we need to ensure our data is secure.

What has allegedly occurred is access was gained to people’s Facebook profile through a survey and then using that to access their friends and friend’s friend’s profiles. We commonly refer to this practice as “Seeding”.

What You Need to do to Protect Your Data

Whilst this scandal is about Facebook, you should take measures to ensure all your data is protected.

If you would like to know more on how to protect your data, click here.

The other big trend so far in 2018 is Internet Of Things (IoT)?

This is the connecting any device, with and on/off switch, to the internet and/or to each other. Such as, devices we all use – mobile phones, tablets, wearable devices and even things like domestic appliances.

Businesses like Dominos and Uber use IoT for their GPS real time tracking of their vehicles.

Also, on a commercial scale – process logic controls (PLCs) for the turning on and off of valves of sewerage plants etc.

The reality is that the IoT allows for virtually endless opportunities and connections to take place. It is hard to conceive to the full future impact of many of these.

However, with billions of devices connected together, what can people do to make sure that their information stays secure? Will someone be able to hack into your fridge and thereby get access to your entire network? Will someone be able to close valves of the gas plant causing an explosion?

VPN connections, mobile device management, managed firewalls and robust security policies are the most effective ways to manage your security.

These considerations are not exclusive to commercial adopters of IoT. Even domestic users need to ensure they have proper security measures in place appropriate for their level of exposure.

If you are interested in understanding how you can use IoT to improve the efficiency of your business and how to ensure it is secure, Click here. We’ll provide everything you need to stay ahead of all the business IT trends.

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