The Definitive Guide to Strong Password Tips and Tricks

guide in having a strong and secured password

It hardly needs to be re-iterated on the importance of a strong password. It is well known your password needs to be as strong and secure as possible in order to protect your personal information and business intelligence from falling into the wrong hands through cybersecurity breaches. For this reason, we thought we’d share some … Read more

Cryptocurrency: The Benefits To Your Business

cryptocurrency and its use to your business

Cryptocurrencies are digital assets stored on computer databases around the world. Anyone can purchase these digital assets, and as a result, their price goes up when more people buy, and down as more people sell, just as the exchange rate constantly changes for your own country’s currency as traders buy and sell it. But unlike … Read more

Hotline IT Appointed as Microsoft CSP Tier 1 Partner

hotline it appointed as tier 1 microsoft csp partner

We’re proud to announce our appointment as a Microsoft CSP Tier-1 Partner. This outstanding achievement clearly reaffirms our position as leading Cloud Solutions provider for small, large and enterprise businesses. Being one of the few Microsoft CSP Tier-1 partners, Hotline IT offers clients a seamless process from purchase to implementation. Therefore, customers will experience a … Read more

The Rise of Robots in The Business World

Robots in the business world

The rise of Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV’s) coming in all shapes and forms, has changed the way we live in the modern world. Many automatics and robotics can now satisfy many logistical roles in a faster and more efficient way than humans can do. This has led to more efficient businesses and a world that … Read more

Australia’s Mandatory Data Breach Notification Scheme

data breach notification scheme

Hotline IT helping small to large businesses with Australia’s newly-passed mandatory data breach notification scheme Earlier this year the Labour and Liberal parties united to introduce Australia’s mandatory data breach notification scheme, which aims to be in place within the year. The implementation of the newly-passed law has not been without controversy. This will affect … Read more

Are You at Risk of a Robot Takeover?

robot takeover

Welcome to the digital world where robots are becoming smarter and a more efficient way of producing. Businesses who are adopting robotics and Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV’s) have been found to have increased productivity levels of up to 200%. As a result this means that more robots are beginning to do simple menial jobs while humans can … Read more